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Clued Up

Companion For Winning The Clue/Cluedo Board Game

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iPhone and iPad App Download

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Throw away your pads and pencils, Clued Up Pro will make you a Clue champion.

Clued Up Pro transforms your messy notes into a crisp table, showing you for each card, at a glance: who’s holding it, who’s not holding it, who’s suggest it, who’s seen it and likelihood of it being the card in the envelope. All you have to do is enter the details of each turn.

If you don’t want to give your opponents a chance Clued Up can go beyond just a smart score card. If you enable automatic deductions the app will cross reference all of the turns in the game and locate cards for you, going way beyond what a human-being could achieve.

Clued Up Pro works with any edition of Clue. Out of the box it has support for the ‘Classic’ and the new ‘Discover the Secrets’ editions and many more. If you don’t see your edition listed you can use the card set editing feature to create any edition you like and store it in the cloud for others to use.

Clued Up iOS app running on two iPads in portrait and landscape orientation

Game Setup

Enter your name then the names of your opponents in the order they are sitting, starting with the player on your left.

Select if you want the game to automatically locate cards for you. If you select to use this feature, as you record the turns in the game the app will cross reference the location of cards from all of the players responses and deduce for you what cards must have been shown in each go. Be sure that your opponents don’t mind you winning if you leave this switch on (or don’t tell them).

Once you’ve entered the names of the players in the game you’ll be given the option to select which edition of the game you are playing. If you don’t see your edition listed then you can create a new edition. Any edition you create will be stored in the cloud for yourself and other players to use.

After selecting your card set you then have to enter in all of the cards you have been dealt. Enter every card you are holding and then press finish.

Clued Up iOS app running on 3 side by side iPhones showing the game setup and main screen

Playing the Game

On the main screen you have a list of all of the items. Eliminated items are shown in blue, items held by you in green and solved items are shown in red. Underneath the item name you will see additional information such as who does or does not hold the card, who has suggested a card and who has seen a card. You will also see stats indicating how likely each card is to be the final item as a percentage and with the progress bar under each card.

To eliminate items you need to make suggestions and enter in the suggestions that your opponents make. The app will automatically eliminate a card if it is shown to you and, if you’ve selected to have the game located cards for your, when entering another player’s suggestion, if a card is shown and it’s known that the other two cards in the suggestion are elsewhere or not held by that player the game will automatically eliminate these.

To enter your suggestion you pick the items from the table and press the ‘Your Suggestion’ button. You will ask the player to your left, if they don’t show a card to you press ‘No Cards Shown’ and move onto the next player, if they show a card you select the card from the wheel and press ‘Card Shown’.

To enter an opponent’s suggestion you do the same thing except you select ‘Other’s Suggestion’ and, on the next screen, select the player making the suggestion.

You can manually enter that a player hold or doesn’t hold a particular card by swipe a cell to the left a pressing the Eliminate/Uneliminate button.

The app will tell you when cards locations are deduced and categories are solved.

You can undo you last move if you make a mistake by pressing the menu button and selecting undo.


Yeah ★★★★★
by Schemattic - Version 1.1 - Apr 11, 2012

I want to marry the maker ★★★★★
by datacw - Version 1.0 - Feb 15, 2012
I win every time and it winds my family up :D hope they never find out I use this app hahah

Very Useful ★★★★★
by ps2287 - Version 1.0 - Feb 4, 2012
Exactly what I required for my cluedo exploits. Many thanks Mark Bridges.

Fantastic ★★★★★
by Ace of dukes - Version 1.0 - Feb 1, 2012
Just what I needed to win.

Best app for cluedo board game!!! ★★★★★
by animedrac - Version 1.0 - Feb 9, 2012
The ultimate tool u ever need to play and win in a cluedo board game. And its not cheating, just makes it easier and quicker than jotting down clues.